(USA Wisconsin) Website Design
We are Wisconsin; USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for web design services.
Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 89221348
Category : Web Design and Development
Title :(USA Wisconsin) Website Design
Estimated Budget :Looking for proposals
[A] Scope of Service:
1) Design a unique, attractive website to completely fulfill requirements
2) Design a self supporting, consistent, user-friendly navigation framework for the website that is understandable to users on all levels.
3) Design a unique home page for the website. Design should be simple and allow users to easily access relevant information.
4) Three or more design layouts must be presented to County for selection
5) Design a template for all pages within the site. All pages must be consistent, look professional, and enhance the image of the County.
6) Contractor should maintain timely and regular communication with the County during the development process.
7) Assist with the development of web page content so information is organized and easy to access as well as the entire site has a uniform, consistent format.
8) Aid the County in transitioning to the new website including: staff training and the production of a guide book or instructions on changing/updating the website. The County intends to utilize a content management system to update the website.
9) The primary purpose of the website is as a communication tool between the County and outside stakeholders
[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility: Onshore (USA)
[D] Budget: Looking for proposals
Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till January 18, 2010. For more details check attachment.
Country : United States
Posted On : 01/04/2011
Price : $16.99 Click here to purchase Buyer contact information