May 03, 2011

(USA Florida) Logo Design, Brand Identity and Website Design | Web Design and Development, DTP, Typesetting

(USA Florida) Logo Design, Brand Identity and Website Design

We are Florida; USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider Logo Design, Brand Identity Documents, and Website Design services.


Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 29734884  
Category : Web Design and Development, DTP, Typesetting  

Title :(USA Florida) Logo Design, Brand Identity and Website Design

Estimated Budget :52750 USD

[A] Scope of Service:
1) Final logo files must be delivered in JPEG and Illustrator EPS format with the following variations:
 - Standard Logo for use on White/Light Backgrounds (all backgrounds should be set to transparent)
- Standard Logo for use on Dark Backgrounds (i.e. white outline around text or design elements)
Horizontal and vertical variations
- Grayscale version
- Simple Logo Mark and Simple Word Mark files for use as icons and buttons
2) A 1-2 page branding document should be delivered which clearly identifies:
- Font(s) used in the creation of the logo design, which should not have any licensing restrictions on commercial use
- Any image files or accompanying graphics recommended to be used in conjunction with the logo.
3) The new website should allow us to:
- Provide information about our company, its history, its activities, and the benefits of membership.
- Communicate news and ongoing issues to members, potential members, the media, the public and in some cases solicit assistance or opinions.
- Provide valuable information, services and keywords to encourage traffic and ensure repeat traffic.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be offsite; Contractor needs to carry work on their office premises.
[C] Eligibility: Onshore (USA Only)
[D] Budget: 52750 USD

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before May 13, 2011. For more details check attachment.

Country : United States    
Posted On : 05/02/2011    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information