(USA Illinois) Website Design Services Budget 8000 USD
We are Illinois; USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for Website Design Services using Joomla.
Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 40717454
Category : Web Design and Development
Title :(USA Illinois) Website Design Services Budget 8000 USD
Estimated Budget :6000 USD to 8000 USD
[A] Scope of Service:
1) Contractor needs to website design using joomla content management system.
2) Non-technical library staff must be able to update web site content on specific pages, including blogs, surveys, video, graphics, and widgets from third party sources.
3) A substantial amount of existing content and the current logo will be reused in the new site.
4) The site should be visually appealing, with an attractive mix of text and graphics. The design should be based upon a 1024x768 screen resolution. Each section should have a common look and feel. The use of layouts, fonts, and graphics should be consistent throughout the site.
5) Users must be able to change the text size and language. The web site should conform to current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines provided by W3C.
6) Users will be able search the site and the library catalog from the home page.
7) Update home page with links to the library's Twitter and Facebook accounts.
[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be offsite; Contractor needs to carry work on their office premises.
[C] Eligibility: Onshore (USA Only)
[D] Budget: 6000 USD to 8000 USD
Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before June 17, 2011. For more details check attachment.
Country : United States
Posted On : 05/20/2011
Price : $16.99 Click here to purchase Buyer contact information