November 15, 2010

(Canada British Columbia) Website Design for Educational Organization Budget 43500 USD | Web Design and Development

(Canada British Columbia) Website Design for Educational Organization Budget 43500 USD
We are British Columbia; Canada based organization looking for qualified and experienced service providers Website Design service for Educational Organization.

: Tender | RFP
Id : 82424929  
Category : Web Design and Development  
Title :
(Canada British Columbia) Website Design for Educational Organization Budget 43500 USD

Estimated Budget :43500 USD

[A] Scope of Service:

1) Our vision is to integrate healthy living into the fabric of secondary schools and intrinsically motivate students to make healthy food choices and participate in regular PA. We propose to evaluate whether the website model provides an effective vehicle to realize our vision.
2) The website is a tool for encouraging and supporting students and teachers to track their progress towards four specific project goals over the course of one school year
3) Vendors are invited to suggest possible pros and cons for building the site as a single site vs. individual, stand-alone websites.
4) Ideally all information on the website will be easily printable. In particular, teacher materials should be able to be posted in PDF format for easy printing and distribution.
5) All content within the website (i.e. beyond the login screen) must be hidden from search engines. No part of this site will be aimed at the general public.
6) We invite vendors to propose an appropriate Content Management System (CMS) that meets the functional requirements outlined in this document.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility: Onshore (Canada)
[D] Budget: 43500 USD

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till November 30, 2010. For more details check attachment.

Country : Canada    
Posted On :11/15/2010    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information