November 15, 2010

(USA Alaska) Web Based System for Finance Management Budget 15000 USD/Year | Software & Technology

(USA Alaska) Web Based System for Finance Management Budget 15000 USD/Year

We are Alaska; USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service providers to provide a web-based reporting system that the staff, program directors, supervisors and members access for member management, program and financial reports.

: Tender | RFP
Id : 14845301  
Category : Software & Technology  
Title :
(USA Alaska) Web Based System for Finance Management Budget 15000 USD/Year

Estimated Budget :15000 USD

[A] Scope of Service:

(a) A system that allows assigning user roles.
(b) A system that will allow staff to view, print and download program progress reports, financial reports, demographic data.
 (c) A system that provides a feedback dialogue mechanism for staff to communicate with program directors regarding performance measure.
(d) Create a progress report system that allows Programs to input individual/ unique measures.
(e) A system that allows Members to submit ‘great stories’ reflection on their service, including uploading photos.
(f) A system that allows members to submit (and allows supervisors or program staff to approve or reject) online timesheets and member progress reports Timesheets system must be password protected and user/approval tracked.
(g) Timesheets must differentiate and track service, training, fundraising and program hours.
(h) A system that allows supervisors to submit (and allows program directors to approve or reject) in-kind hours and in-kind contributions or donation forms
(i) A system that provides a secure (password protected) reporting system for forms requiring signature approval
(J) Provide training for staff and program directors on initial use of system.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility: Onshore (USA)
[D] Budget: 15000 USD

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till November 29, 2010. For more details check attachment.

Country : United States    
Posted On :11/15/2010    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information