February 25, 2011

GLOBAL Airplane Design and Analysis Software | Software & Technology

GLOBAL Airplane Design and Analysis Software
We are Karnataka; India based Government Organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider (FROM ACROSS THE WORLD) for Airplane Design and Analysis Software.

Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 97154464  
Category : Software & Technology  
Title :
GLOBAL Airplane Design and Analysis Software

Estimated Budget :Looking for proposals

[A] Scope of Service:
1. Aircraft configuration design software based on integrated strip theory. Software should be commercially available.
2. Software should have capability to investigate different configurations, wing planforms, twist, dihedral effects and airfoil characteristics.
3. Should be able to evaluate complete flight envelope and also trim the aircraft at any point in the flight envelope to build a complete picture of airspeed altitude capabilities, stall speeds and lift, drag curves.
4. Software should provide plug in for 3-D viewing capability which also should be able to show aircraft characteristics during any maneuvers.
5. Software should enable designers to create monitors, graphs and traces to view the data as the analysis is underway and also as a post processing tool.
6. Software system should enable users rapidly to establish optimum configuration by plotting graphs from the evaluated data.
7. Software should have easy to use interface which enables users to construct sophisticated aircraft data models rapidly and efficiently.
8. Should have proper data management system which allows users to perform different tasks at varying stages of design process.
9. Software should have ability to integrate the design with matlab and simulink.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility: Global, companies from anywhere in the world can apply for this.
[D] Budget: Looking for proposals

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till March 21, 2011. For more details check attachment.

Country : India    
Posted On :02/24/2011    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information