April 14, 2011

GLOBAL Web Site Redesign | Web Design and Development

GLOBAL Web Site Redesign

We are USA based Government Authority looking for qualified and experienced service provider (FROM ACROSS THE WORLD) web site redesign services.

Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 20573012  
Category : Web Design and Development  
Title :
GLOBAL Web Site Redesign

Estimated Budget :Looking for proposals

[A] Scope of Service:
1) Overall Design: The design should be clean and modern, with appropriate images, colors and layout
2) Content Management System: Web site redesign should contain a comprehensive content management system (CMS) using a web-based interface that allows staff to add or update content from a standard computer browser without additional client software.
The CMS used should allow for importing of content from Microsoft Word and allow uploading and use of images within the content
3) Navigation: The web site redesign should include a navigation system that is user-oriented and intuitive for the average web user.
4) Search Function: Powerful search capability is a must the search bar should include an auto-complete feature, similar to Google via a Google Mini-Appliance
5) Search Engine Optimization: The web site redesign should include features conducive to search engine optimization (SEO) functions, such as meta tags for content pages, canonical URLs, search-friendly URLs, 301 and 302 redirects and URL Rewriting
6) Mobile Devices and Browser Versions: The web site should support mobile devices including PDA phones such as an iPhone or Android device.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility:  Global, companies from anywhere in the world can apply for this.
[D] Budget: Looking for proposals

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till May 9, 2011. For more details check attachment.

Country : United States    
Posted On :04/13/2011    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information