April 20, 2011

(USA California) Offsite Document Scanning Budget 24000 USD | Data Entry

(USA California) Offsite Document Scanning Budget 24000 USD

We are California; USA based authority looking for qualified and experienced service provider for large format offsite document scanning Services. This is a process of scanning both current and historic permits, documents, and plans.

Type : Tender | RFP
Id : 48284344  

Category : Data Entry  
Title :
(USA California) Offsite Document Scanning Budget 24000 USD

Estimated Budget :24000 USD

[A] Scope of Service:
1) Vendor shall provide secure transport of documents to and from the vendor’s imaging facility.
2) Documents shall be returned to the city bundled in the same order and in the same groupings as they are supplied to Vendor.
3) Images are to be scanned at a minimum of 200 ppi (not to exceed 300 ppi) and files shall be recorded on “Recordable” (non-rewritable) compact disks (CD) intended for long term storage.
4) Document and index data are to be provided in import ready format
5) All images are accurately labeled and indexed according to the transmittal documents received from the City.
6) Indexing shall be performed by experienced staff.

[B] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[C] Eligibility:  Onshore (USA)
[D] Budget: 24000 USD

Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals till May 6, 2011. For more details check attachment.

Country : United States    
Posted On :04/20/2011    

Price : $16.99    Click here to purchase Buyer contact information